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Moon Stages

                                           Nine's Poetry


Nights are spontaneously harmonious, most lovely with cool winds. Silence invades certain empty spaces. Nature's orchestra continues playing after each howling breeze illustrates through the ruffles of untamed Timothy grass. A moment of stillness for a second of time warp. Night crickets and locust pause their symphony, patiently waiting for the dancing mixture of pale green, greyish grass to calmly regain control. Balance of peace beautifully created for the life at night. Harmony Playing with rhythms flowing as natural as a strong heartbeat. I cherish the ending of everyday, when the sun goes down. No one else near or in sight. My soul's meditation is the sound of human silence. Closing my eyes I inhale slowly, filling my lungs with rich oxygen. The changing current from day to night, settles the aroma of the nights air. For just a little while the earth is free, Gaia gains a moment to finally breath. Laying underneath a full moon is when I am most strongly connected. Grounding myself, I trade out all the negative things that had me drowning that week. Mother nature dont hesitate, her love positively fills me. Physically feeling a change while gravity is shifting. My shoulders lighten up, negativity is being forgiven. Another gentle cool breeze, my eyes come open. Gazing at the stars is much better then looking for some prescribed medication. At least this way I can vividly imagine my dream vacation. I get Lost in trance to the little things in life. People misrule this beautiful planet. Idiocracy flows through this time and space. The only powerful blessing was never ment to run in a race. Sad enough to say, love is reflected backwards, upside down, turned around, and tampered. So, hate versus love became the biggest shame that only humans are to blame. Taking this world over as a big game instead of helping it live. No such thing, should be to  high or to low. But now the scale is low, Critically ill for life to ever heal. To late for readjusting, balance on land is killing the ocean. Pollution bakes in the sun, nasty clouds in the distance. Dark grey with thunder, lightning strikes, help me count the time i have to get to cover. Following the sunrays I find some shelter, little beam still peeking on me. Tragedy happened, Love is gone and the last Heart has broken. My eyes widen, certain electric pulses inside my brain get triggered enough to snap me out of all thoughts and into focusing on the one of a kind shooting star. A moment of life just like this, is a moment of self happiness. Without doubt, memory was recorded. Enjoyment of witnessing such sight and peace always saved for me to remember. Not soon after, the hypnotizing moon has me trapped in dead stare. My ears go fully death, and my sense of feeling lock on to only the lunar vibrations. An instant intergalactic magnetic connection tunes me into the galaxy. My heart starts to ache, acknowledging decoded vibrational messaging. Yin is being left behind, she's  guarding her troposphere. Yang is slowly erasing, collapsing bit by bit unwillingly getting sucked into space, forced apart from his twin flame. Carelessness been destroying the stratosphere since the past millennium. Yangs position was to be equal as yin. Face to face, opposite, and back to back. Gaias irreplaceable double hearted shield is breaking. Soon out of time, out of sight without rewind. -Moe 10-13-2022

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